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In words
Pin in front, step-in at the back. The toe piece comes with adjustable release settings from 5 to 13 that also work in ascent in case of avalanche or a fall; the wings have a hinge that pops them open at the right time. After release, they have to be put back manually. The heel piece goes from walk to ski mode by operating the lever, which, like the TR1, makes it a good option for transitioning between the two, like when sidestepping up a technical slope, or when you want to ski briefly without taking off your skins. The stand height is high, but the ramp angle close to zero.
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Safety, a culture of doubt
Beyond the basic definition, there’s nothing as variable as snow conditions and the human psyche when under emotional stress. That's why, after purchasing the right self-rescue kit and airbag backpack, it’s paramount you do your research, train, scrutinize your decisions and, if necessary, opt for plan B. And, at least for now, don’t rely on artificial intelligence.
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