Tommy Pian
Store manager
Tommy's been snowboarding since '98, so over the seasons he's witnessed the sport's evolution - knowledge he's also enriched through his 12 years spent working in sales in the specialist shop Frisco based in Brescia. Category coordinator starting this year
67 kg (148 lbs)
180 cm (5'11")
Stance angles
Riding style
Stance width
54 cm (6')
Jones Solution 161
NItro Incline
Tommy's been snowboarding since '98, so over the seasons he's witnessed the sport's evolution - knowledge he's also enriched by working in sales for the past 12 years in the specialist shop Frisco based in Brescia. He divides his time between splitboarding, trail running and cycling. An outdoors lover through and through who devours ascents, he coordinates our splitboard category.
Worked on
these are the products they worked on