Robert Antonioli
Professional athlete
A veteran on the Italian national team, Robert's known for his unique race lines. But he's not above a fast and light outing
68 kg (150 lbs)
165 cm (5'5")
Ski Trab Gara World Cup 70
Scarpa Alien 4.0
What can we say about Robert? To say he has 16 World Cup victories, two Mezzalama wins, and one win each at the Pierra Menta, the Adamello Ski Raid and the Patrouille des Glaciers would be selling him short. Because Robert is Robert. [--DELETE--] After our first evening test briefing, for example, he headed out for a night survey of the deer population. The next morning, he came in both on time and perfectly rested. A one-of-a-kind.
Worked on
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